SULFNBK.EXE VIRUS HOAX The "sulfnbk.exe" virus warning email is a hoax. Sulfnbk.exe is part of Windows 98 (and perhaps some other versions of Windows), which is why it might be on your computer. You should not delete it. Fortunately, it is not an especially important part of Windows. It is a tool for use when backing up and restoring files with long file names by using backup programs that either don't handle long file names or run in Win-9x "DOS mode." If you don't need to do that, you won't miss sulfnbk.exe. You'll probably never see an email that says something like "SEND THIS E MAIL TO EVERYONE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK" which is not a hoax. Emails that ask you to forward them on to lots of other people are almost always at least partially false, and most are complete hoaxes. For info about this particular hoax, see: or or search the usual hoax-buster and anti-virus sites. For some good (he sez modestly) virus avoidance advice, see -Dave P.S. - This hoax email looks something like this (though there are many similar variants): > Subject: WARNING - VIRUS SENT TO US! > > There is a virus titled: sulfnbk.exe which we received and may have > inadvertantly sent on to you encoded in an e-mail. We found it (it > resides in your address book) and dumped it into our recycle bin. > This is the way to remove it from yours: > > 1. go to start. then to find or search > 2. in the search for files or folders, type sulfnbk.exe- this is the > name of the virus > 3. In the look-in section, make sure you are searching the C drive > 4. Hit the search or find > 5. If your search finds this file, it will be an ugly blackish icon > that will have the name sulfnbk.exe. DO NOT OPEN IT> > 6. RIGHT click on the file. Go down to delete and LEFT click. > 7. You will be asked if you want to send the file to the recycle bin > SAY YES > 8. Go to your desk top (where all your icons are) and right click on > the recyle bin. Either manually delete the sulfnbk.exe program or > empty the entire bin. > 9.If you found this virius on your system, send to all in your > address book, because this is how it is transferred. > 10. If it does not show up on your first search, try a new search. > > THIS VIRUS LIES DORMANT FOR 14 DAYS AND THEN KILLS YOUR HARD DRIVE. > IF YOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AND SEE THAT YOU HAVE THE VIRUS YOU > NEED TO SEND THIS E MAIL TO EVERYONE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK. > we apologize, and are very sorry. Thanks